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FDA 警告信:场所CGMP违规,以及LUPIN多场所重复违规
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公司名称:Novel Laboratories, Inc.d.b.a. Lupin,美国新泽西
Warning Letter
June 11, 2021
Dear Ms. Gupta:
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspected your drug manufacturing facility, Novel Laboratories, Inc. d.b.a. Lupin, FEI 3006271438, at 400 Campus Drive, Somerset, New Jersey from September 10, 2020 to November 5, 2020.
This warning letter summarizes significant violations of current good manufacturing practice (CGMP) regulations for finished pharmaceuticals. See 21 Title Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), parts 210 and 211 (21 CFR parts 210 and 211).
Because your methods, facilities, or controls for manufacturing, processing, packing, or holding do not conform to CGMP, your drug products are adulterated within the meaning of section 501(a)(2)(B) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), 21 U.S.C. 351(a)(2)(B).
We reviewed your November 30, 2020, response to our Form FDA 483 in detail and acknowledge receipt of your subsequent correspondence.
During our inspection, our investigators observed specific violations including, but not limited to, the following.
CGMP Violations
1. Your firm failed to establish and follow adequate written procedures for cleaning and maintenance of equipment (21 CFR 211.67(b)).你公司未建立并遵守充分的设备清洁和维护书面程序。(b)(4)(b)(4)
Investigators also observed residue on the(b)(4)(b)(4)(b)(4)(b)(4)
In your response, you stated that you performed analytical testing of the residue collected from the tablet press(b)(4)(b)(4)(b)(4)
Your response is inadequate because you did not test reserve samples of drug products released to the U.S. market and within expiry, that were manufactured on these pieces of non-dedicated equipment, for cross-contamination. You stated that the results of the(b)(4)(b)(4)
There is no assurance that you can prevent cross-contamination because your corrective action and preventive action (CAPA) plan fails to include cleaning the(b)(4)
In response to this letter, provide the following:
• A commitment to test all reserve samples of drug products, within expiry and released to the U.S. market, that were manufactured on your tablet press and(b)(4)
• A comprehensive, independent retrospective assessment of your cleaning effectiveness to evaluate the scope of cross-contamination hazards. Include the identity of residues, other manufacturing equipment that may have been improperly cleaned, and an assessment whether cross-contaminated drug products may have been released for distribution. The assessment should identify any inadequacies of cleaning procedures and practices and encompass each piece of manufacturing equipment used to manufacture more than one drug product.
一份对你们清洁效果的全面独立回顾性评估,评价交叉污染危害的范围。包括残留物鉴别,其它可能有不当清洁的生产设备,以及对受到交叉污染 的药品是否可能放行销售的评估。评估应该识别出清洁程序和做法的缺陷,包括用于生产不止一种药品的所有生产设备。
• A CAPA plan, based on the retrospective assessment of your cleaning and preventative maintenance programs, that includes appropriate remediations to your processes and practices, assessment of frequency, and timelines for completion. Provide a detailed summary of vulnerabilities in your process for lifecycle management of equipment cleaning and preventative maintenance. Describe improvements to these programs, including enhancements to effectiveness; improved ongoing verification of proper execution for all drug products and equipment; and all other needed remediations.
对你们清洁验证程序的恰当改进,要特别强调结合识别为药品生产操作中最差情形的条件。其中应包括但不仅限于识别和评估所有最差情形:o Drugs with higher drug potencies高活性药品o Drugs with characteristics that make them difficult to clean因其特性难清洁的药品o Residues for use in recovery studies回收率研究中所用残留物
• In addition, describe the steps that must be taken in your change management system before introduction of new manufacturing equipment or a new drug product.
• A summary of updated SOPs that ensure an appropriate program is in place for verification and validation of cleaning procedures for drug products, processes, and equipment.
2. Your firm failed to establish adequate written procedures for production and process control designed to assure that the drug products you manufacture have the identity, strength, quality, and purity they purport or are represented to possess (21 CFR 211.100(a)).你公司未能建立足够的书面生产和工艺控制程序,用于确保你们生产的药品具备其理当具备的成分、含量、质量和纯度。
You failed to adequately validate the manufacturing processes for temazepam 15mg and 30mg capsules before the transfer of product manufacturing to a new building. You did not adequately assess the process and equipment changes (e.g., charging order of the active pharmaceutical ingredient, different model(b)(4)
你未能在将生产转移至新厂房之前对替马西泮15mg 和 30mg胶囊进行充分的生产工艺验证。你们未充分评估对你们生产操作所做的工艺和设备变更(例如,API投料顺序,不同的XX型号),未识别出其对产品质量的影响。你们实施这些变更之后生产了若干批次,并放行至美国市场。使用这些未经的变更生产的几个批次含量均匀度不合格(OOS)。
Your OOS results suggest that your process is not robust. You did not adequately demonstrate that your manufacturing processes are reproducible and controlled to consistently yield drugs of uniform character and quality.
In your response, you stated that you recognized the occurrence of suboptimal process performance for your temazepam capsule manufacturing operations, which was the root cause of the OOS results. You also stated that you completed a(b)(4)(b)(4)
Your response is inadequate because you did not provide assurance that the batches released to the U.S. market, manufactured before validation, are of the appropriate strength and quality. The additional content uniformity testing performed for these batches does not ensure that all other product quality attributes are in conformance.
In addition, your firm does not have an adequate ongoing program for monitoring process control to ensure stable manufacturing operations and consistent drug quality. Your continuous process monitoring verification sampling protocol only assesses dose uniformity. Out-of-trend (OOT) results for assay were identified when you made changes to manufacturing operations at the time of product transfer.https://www.fda.gov/media/71021/download.
In response to this letter, provide the following:
• A detailed summary of your validation program for ensuring a state of control throughout the product lifecycle, along with associated procedures. Include your validation report, continuous process monitoring verification sampling protocol for temazepam 30mg, and risk assessment reports for temazepam 15mg and 30mg. Describe your program for process performance qualification, and ongoing monitoring of both intra-batch and inter-batch variation to ensure a continuing state of control.
• A timeline for performing appropriate process performance qualification for each of your marketed drug products.
• Improved in-process testing and monitoring to enhance detection of variation during production of each batch. Include remediated in-process quality standards, including but not limited to enhanced sampling, that will more robustly monitor upstream process control. Describe how the improvements will ensure early detection of process variation and manufacturing defects, and prevent consumer exposure to substandard quality drug products.
3. Your firm failed to establish and follow adequate written responsibilities and procedures applicable to the quality control unit (21 CFR 211.22(d)).你公司未为质量部门建立并遵守足够的书面职责和程序。
Your quality unit (QU) failed to adequately establish and adhere to written procedures to ensure the strength, quality, and purity of the drug products you manufacture. For example,
• Your cleaning validation protocol procedure for the review and approval to change the MACO limits did not require adequate QU oversight. Specifically, this procedure did not require QU review of the test methods and the approved cleaning MACO limits, for potent and non-potent drug products manufactured on non-dedicated equipment. You did not ensure that each of these test methods had the capability to quantitate the newly established limits.
• You failed to adequately complete annual product reviews (APR) as required by 211.180(e) and your established procedure. Several drug products with a 2019 APR due date remained pending at the time of inspection. Your procedure required APR completion within(b)(4)
Your firm previously made corporate-wide commitments to strengthen analytical method equivalency, cleaning validation procedures, and APR procedures across all sites and to have corporate quality assurance oversight of these areas.
In your response, you stated that you acknowledged a need for more robust QU oversight of your cleaning validation program and have revised your procedure,SOP NL-VA-002, Cleaning Validation and Verification Procedureto include a risk assessment and method impact assessment. You also identified that laboratory management, and not your QU, has the authority to review and approve individual standard operating procedures (SOP) pertaining to test method validations. You stated that these SOPs are being harmonized for alignment and consistent execution. In addition, you stated that individuals primarily responsible for APR are also responsible for additional QU tasks and that the(b)(4)(b)(4)
在你们的回复中,你们声称你们知晓需要对你们的清洁验证程序进行更为强有力的QU监管,已修订了你们的程序SOP NL-VA-002清洁验证和核查程序,在其中加入了风险评估和方法影响性评估。你们还识别出实验室管理(不是你们的QU)有权力审核和批准单个检测方法验证SOP。你们声称这些SOP已经统一化,并统一实施了。另外,你们声称负责APR的人员亦负责其它QU工作,表式流程已采用XX系统替代。
Your response is inadequate because you failed to provide a comprehensive assessment of all written procedures to ensure that procedures impacting the identity, strength, quality, and purity of the drug products manufactured, grant the responsibility of approval to the QU.
Significant findings as detailed in this letter indicate that your QU is not fully exercising its authority and/or responsibilities. Your firm must provide the QU with the appropriate authority and sufficient resources to carry out its responsibilities and consistently ensure drug quality.
In response to this letter, provide the following:
• A comprehensive assessment and remediation plan to ensure your QU is given the authority and resources to effectively function. The assessment should also include, but not be limited to:
• Also describe how top management supports quality assurance and reliable operations, including but not limited to timely provision of resources to proactively address emerging manufacturing/quality issues and to assure a continuing state of control.
Repeat Violations at Multiple Sites多场所重复违规
• On September 10, 2019, Lupin Limited Mandideep (Unit 1), FEI 3002807511, was issued a warning letter for violation of, among other items, 21 CFR 211.67(a) for inadequate cleaning of manufacturing equipment and 21 CFR 211.100(a) for inadequate process validation.
20190910,Lupin Mandideep (Unit 1), FEI 3002807511被签发警告信,其中缺陷有21 CFR 211.67(a)生产设备清洁不够,和21 CFR 211.100(a)生产工艺验证不够。
• On November 6, 2017, Lupin Limited Goa (FEI 3004819820) and Lupin Limited Indore (FEI 3007549629), were issued a warning letter for CGMP violations and in response made corporate-wide commitments to strengthen corporate quality compliance and global quality governance.
20171106,LUPIN GOA(FEI 3004819820)和Lupin Indore (FEI 3007549629)被签发CGMP警告信,回复中承诺要加强公司质量合规和全球质量管理
Repeated violations at multiple sites demonstrate that your company’s corporate oversight and control over the manufacture of drugs is inadequate. You should further comprehensively assess your company’s global manufacturing operations to ensure that systems and processes, and ultimately, the drug products manufactured, conform to FDA requirements at all your sites.
The violations cited in this letter are not intended to be an all-inclusive list of violations that exist at your facility. You are responsible for investigating and determining the causes of these violations and for preventing their recurrence or the occurrence of other violations.
Correct any violations promptly. Failure to promptly and adequately address this matter may result in regulatory or legal action without further notice including, without limitation, seizure and injunction. Unresolved violations may also prevent other Federal agencies from awarding contracts.
Failure to address violations may also cause FDA to withhold issuance of Export Certificates. FDA may withhold approval of new applications or supplements listing your firm as a supplier or drug manufacturer until any violations are completely addressed and we confirm your compliance with CGMP. We may re-inspect to verify that you have completed corrective actions to address any violations.
This letter notifies you of our findings and provides you an opportunity to address the above deficiencies. After you receive this letter, respond to this office in writing within 15 working days. Specify what you have done since our inspection to correct your violations and to prevent their recurrence. In response to this letter, you may provide additional information for our consideration as we continue to assess your activities and practices. If you cannot complete corrective actions within 15 working days, state your reasons for delay and your schedule for completion.
Send your electronic response to orapharm1_responses@fda.hhs.gov. Your written notification should refer to Warning Letter CMS # 613385 and include FEI: 3006271438.
If you have any questions, contact Compliance Officer BarbaraWilimczyk-Macri at barbara.wilimczyk@fda.hhs.gov or 973-331-4951.
Diana Amador-ToroOffice of Pharmaceutical QualityOperations Division I/
Cc:Vice President-Operations and Site Head400 Campus DriveRonaldOverhiser@lupin.com
发布于 2021-06-30 11:24:54 © 著作权归作者所有