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2012年9月,EMA给Inspiration Biopharmaceuticals申报的重组凝血因子IX发布了退审报告,主要原因是在其申报资料的审评中存在着重大缺陷项(major objections)。其中一个就是与QbD相关,另一个则是与宿主细胞蛋白含量的控制相关。

Major Objection 1

第一个major objection是在质量部分,原液相关的生产工艺控制章节(Control of manufacturing process):

The general approach to assure a consistent and reliable manufacturing process is in compliance with ICHQ6B. However, the control strategy was not sufficiently defined for themanufacturing of DS. This was regarded as a major objection at D120. TheCompany hasdetermined the controlsteps according to quality by design (QbD) principles without applying QbD.

确保一致并且可靠的生产工艺的一个通用方法是符合ICH Q6B的要求。但是,DS的生产并不能充分的定义控制策略。这被认为是D120的主要缺陷项。本公司根据质量源于设计(QbD)的原则确定了控制步骤,但是却没有很好的应用QbD。

Theperformance parameters are categorized into in-process controls, in-processlimits, and in-process specifications. Based on an FMEA risk assessment, eachprocess parameter was ranked from 1-10 on the severity, probability of occurrence,and the ability to detect an excursion and/or the impact of an excursionoutside of the normal operating range (NOR). The categorization of a processparameter as critical or non-critical followed a riskbased approach without aproper argumentation of the criticality of the parameters and this was not considered appropriate.


Major Objection 2

第二个major objection是在质量部分,原液相关的杂质部分(Impurities):

The data indicate that IB1001 has a low level of process-related impurities, withthe exception of residual HCP present in DS and DP. In the Response to the Day120 LoQ the applicant reports that HCP impurities are present in IB1001 DS at acertain level, when measured with a more IB1001-specific HCP-ELISA. The levelof HCP in all GMP lots (pre-clinical and clinal lots) is higher, compared tothe data obtained with a previous, non-specific commercial assay (data providedin original submission). The high level of HCP in IB1001 DP is not acceptable.Major Objection).

数据表明,IB1001的工艺相关杂质含量很低,除了DS和DP中的残留的HCP。对D120 LoQ的回应,申请者报告,当使用更具有IB1001特异性的HCP-ELISA检测时,DS中存在一定的HCP残留。与以前非特异性的商业化试剂盒检测相比(初始提交的数据),所有GMP批次(临床前和临床批次)的HCP残留要更高。IB1001的DP的HCP高含量已不可接受。临床研究中26%的参与者检测到抗CHO蛋白抗体,也进一步提供了证据,表明目前DP的杂质含量,在HCP这一项上是无法获得批准的(主要缺陷项)。


除了这两个Major Objection,IB1001项目的其他项目的工作都是可接受的。但是,IB1001项目最终还是因为这两个Major Objection而被退审。不过,幸运的是,2015年,IB1001获得FDA的批准上市,看来是已经解决了两个Major Objection。IB1001项目的问题还是值得我们学习的。


发布于 2020-08-28 10:43:51 © 著作权归作者所有